Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Why Words Matter

Politicians are known for their speeches with little or no content. Yahoo has an article about the results of a Poll on which politician is the worst at using gobbledegook. Their use of empty phrases threatens their own agenda - here's how.

When the governor of your state says something incomprehensible, you have to ask yourself, "Am I the only one who didn't get it?" Politicians surround themselves with those are trusted which means you can't rely on the audience for an honest reaction. Even the media, who has an ulterior motive in the form of continued access to those in power, won't always call a misspeaking office-holder on the carpet. There are numerous historical stories of the people who keep company with those in power. Just because our form of power distribution has a different name does not change human nature. Drawing a coterie of yes-men and sycophants is a well known consequence of acquiring power.

If you conclude that you didn't understand some statement, it would be logical that other members of the audience didn't understand it either. Being charitable would mean that the speaker failed in his or her effort to communicate. It is a thin line from failed communication and the perception that the speaker doesn't even understand the issue in the first place. Either way shows the speaker in a unflattering light.

When a small group of friends is gathered around to shoot the breeze, it is acceptable to give the speaker a break. When the leader of the some body politic does the same thing, they must realize that they become their own worst enemy, and for good reason.

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