Friday, March 06, 2009

The Truth is so Bright I Gotta Wear Shades

Truth and Politics. Normally the truth is black or white. I'm beginning to wonder if politics is the art of not stating the obvious. The current economic crisis provides for an easy example. Economists are saying that nationalizing the banks is a valid remedy for a failing banking system. The Secretary of the Treasury is avoiding mentioning the term even off the record. If asked point blank, it is a good bet that he would not admit that it is a potential action worth exploring. Here is where the political truth comes in. If you asked him why he won't discuss it, he will actively avoid admitting that the political cost is too high. Not giving the opposition a chance to score points then becomes the elephant in the room.

Everyone knows why we don't talk about the solution openly, making it ever so difficult to face our problems, hog-tying ourselves for the sake of political strategy.

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