Monday, October 30, 2006

Power grab

Slashdot is known for users who place a high regard for personal liberty. With that being said, I'm not normally a government conspiracy theory fan but this one is an example of how the Federal Government can increase their powers in small increments until one day, when it is seemly too late, we wonder how it happened that the Federal Government can override the will of a State. I would have been perfectly happy with the change to section 1076 if they had left it with wording that limits the authority to when the government of a State requests assistance. If they don't because they've been too disrupted, that is one thing, but the wording lets the President use Federal troops when the President deems the State to be unwilling to enforce a law. If a State elected official decides not to enforce some law, we already have a mechanism to force action. There is a recall, their is a lawsuit, there is an election. During the fight for Civil Rights, Federal troops were used to integrate schools. While from a social justice point of view this was the right thing to do, did that create a dangerous Constitutional precedent? Big Brother has to force one of its wayward children to straighten up and fly right.

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